When you are beginning to consider where to locate your server, there are several factors that will make a substantial difference. The best location for your server will be dependent on the number of quality hosting providers that are available, the connection these providers have to the global communications network, as well as the proximity of the server’s location to your actual target market.

The Infrastructure of the Web

server hostingThe World Wide Web is composed of thousands of different interconnected networks. When an Internet user requests information, such as loading your web page, from your server, this information begins its path from your server, then to the server hosting provider’s network and then several other networks, all via switches and exchanges.

The main aspect that you should consider when you are choosing a hosting country for your server is if there is a reliable local network, as well as a close and fast connection to the Internet exchanges that actually server your site’s target market. This, as well as the quality of the technology and hardware that are used to establish these connections is the locational factors that are most important when you are selecting a hosting location.

Infrastructure of the Hosting Provider

Server hosting will require a highly-developed technology, as well as expertise and long-term investments in cooling, network infrastructure and power. In some cases these factors are not available in the quality and quantity that will make hosting actually available in a certain region or country.

A simple recommendation request and web search on a social media platform or forum will help you quickly determine if there are providers located in a certain location. You should also take time to closely read the information on the provider’s website in order to determine their actual infrastructure. Also, take time to speak with the provider yourself in order to ask and questions about their efficiency, performance of their actual technology, the level of expertise of the actual organization and about the data center itself.

You should also seek redundancy in a network that you are considering using. This means, determining that if one of the elements fails them the rest of the actual network can continue working, unaffected by the failing element. It is also important to determine the reputation and number of upstream suppliers that actually connect the network to the wider web.

Each hosting provider has several decisions to consider about investment areas. These will determine the reliability and the speed of their servers, which they will then pass on to you. However, the hosting provider is also completely reliant on the actual communications infrastructure that is located inside of the region in which they operate. This is a factor that is completely out of the hosting providers control, which is why it is important to consider all of the location factors prior to actually selecting the provider to host your business’s website, which is ultimately your source of income and profit.